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The Smile Effect

Smiling in public has become a rare commodity in today’s society. The fast-paced technology-driven world we live in has unfortunately resulted in people either being engrossed in their smartphones when walking or simply rushing past people without any acknowledgment. If you’re lucky, you might encounter someone from an older generation who still possesses the forgotten skill of smiling in passing. It is this skill of genuine human connection that can totally transform your day!

The Science of Smiling:

  • Smiling is a natural mood enhancer. By smiling, you release important neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin which both aid in making you feel good. Take endorphins as an example, by smiling you can create your own internal pain reliever. So when someone tells you to grin and bear the pain, they are to some degree right.

The Smile Effect:

  • Smiling can have a real impact on the people around you. As humans we have a natural tendency towards mimicking people around us, sometimes even completely subconsciously. Therefore, if someone smiles at you, there’s a high chance you might find yourself smiling too which in turn creates a mutual benefit for everyone.

  • CHALLENGE: Next time you find yourself out on a walk whether its around campus, in the office or in the streets, try smiling to reap the benefits for yourself and for others around you.

The Professional and Social Benefits:

  • Smiling does not just stop at boosting your mood, it can also play a crucial role in the workplace! A genuine smile subtly perceives you as being more approachable and trustworthy. It is these key traits that can strengthen and build new connections with your team and enhance teamwork to achieve better results.

  • In the social setting, smiling is one of the universal signs of friendliness and can be a great ice breaker when you are meeting new people! By smiling, you could be instantly perceived as being more approachable, making it a lot easier to make new friends in places where you might not know anyone.


  • The lesson here is to not force a smile all the time but to be more mindful and open to positive exchanges. While caution is always necessary e.g. don’t say hello to a shady person in a dark alley at night, a simple smile towards others when you are out and about can create a ripple of positivity.

  • Secondly, we all have bad days! Sometimes we simply don’t want to smile and that is completely ok. Taking some time to prioritise self-care and acknowledging how you feel might be a better use of your time on these days.

By incorporating a simple smile into your daily life, you will hopefully start to experience the benefits and also see the impact it can have on the people around you!