The Wellness Website
The Core Components
Lifestyle and Habits
Always struggling to get into a routine? Never quite sticking to a habit? This section will provide some key tips on how to stay on track no matter what life hits at you!
Health and Fitness
Finding yourself going for another bad meal? Can't tie down that gym routine? This section gives an outlook into some better life choices and ways to really start looking after your body!
Mental Wellbeing
We get it. Life can be very hard. This section will provide some key methods to building up a strong defence to what life throws at us. Be it struggling to get up in the morning or stressing over that assignment coming up, we got you covered.
Recent Lifestyle Blog!
Recent Health Blog!
Recent Mental Health Blog!
About Me
My name is Luca Kekkos. Like you, I understand that life just sometimes doesn’t go our way and if we aren’t prepared for that then it can make life pretty hard. I have created this website to give you a down-to-earth guide on some vital tips to make you healthier, stronger and hopefully just that little bit happier. Believe me when I say, I still have a very long way to go but being able to help like-minded people such as yourself along the way will make that journey easier for the both of us.